“A DREAM FOR A DREAM” In SINISTER SAINTS’ Anthology “GROWING PAINS” (2015)/ United Kingdom

Our strip “A DREAM FOR A DREAM” is published in SINISTER SAINTS’ Anthology “GROWING PAINS” (2015)/ United Kingdom. SINISTER SAINTS is the Young Adult imprint of the U.K. award wining publisher HORRIFIED PRESS. “GROWING PAINS” with “A DREAM FOR A DREAM” is out on June 18, 2015.

Growing up has always been difficult. There's peer group pressure to contend with, teenage angst, making social connections, acceptance, finding out who you are and what you want... So add psychopathic tendencies, crazy families, hidden secrets and loopy la la crushes into the mix and you'll be lucky to hit puberty! Join editor Rich Dodgin and the authors from imprint Sinister Saints Press for this horrific 'coming of age' collection.

You can learn more about the book and the publisher here: http://www.horrifiedpress.com/
